I hope everyone had a great weekend. We didn't do much but I did manage a trip to Finders Keepers which was really enjoyable - if you didn't catch it last weekend check out the next dates for Brisbane here.
I have been working a new product for my madeit store. Below is the first of two 'sculptures' I have been working on. The first card sculpture has been taken from an old atlas published in the early 70's. The second card sculpture has been taken from a vintage copy of Alice in Wonderland published in the 1950's. You can rearrange these cards to create any form you wish - they make an interesting coffee table arrangement, or look equally as good on a shelf in a child's bedroom. They are just another way of telling a story that would otherwise be shelved and forgotten! I hope to put them into my store tonight, although I am having trouble pricing them as they each took over 2 hours to make (I know!). I realise I cannot charge this time on, luckily I love making things with vintage story books. Anyway, I would love your opinion as always.
I have been working a new product for my madeit store. Below is the first of two 'sculptures' I have been working on. The first card sculpture has been taken from an old atlas published in the early 70's. The second card sculpture has been taken from a vintage copy of Alice in Wonderland published in the 1950's. You can rearrange these cards to create any form you wish - they make an interesting coffee table arrangement, or look equally as good on a shelf in a child's bedroom. They are just another way of telling a story that would otherwise be shelved and forgotten! I hope to put them into my store tonight, although I am having trouble pricing them as they each took over 2 hours to make (I know!). I realise I cannot charge this time on, luckily I love making things with vintage story books. Anyway, I would love your opinion as always.

Well, that's the sculpture news - now to the Sale news and a map of a different kind. Janette over at my sweet prints is having a HUGE 40% off sale which she has announced only on her blog!!!! All you have to do is visit Janette's blog to obtain the sale code then visit one of her stores and receive 40% off each purchase - I know, it's a magnificent sale. So, this morning I bought a couple of prints, including a gorgeous world map and a bedtime scroll. Thanks Janette for your generous end of financial year sale.

Finally, some other tags going into my stores over the next couple of days:

Hope you're all having a great start to your week. Michelle
Added 30 June: p.s. My husband arrived home from work last night, took one look at my 'world sculpture', and decided (after rearranging it several times) that he would like to sit it on his desk in his office at work. So, after convincing myself that, a. it is good to give away your 'first' of any new range (to iron out the bugs) and b. that it would be good advertising, I let him take it. Now I am working on another one to go into the store, with a note to self to .... "hide all future 'sculptures' from husband". I am still trying to decide on the retail price ... stay tuned!
Added 30 June: p.s. My husband arrived home from work last night, took one look at my 'world sculpture', and decided (after rearranging it several times) that he would like to sit it on his desk in his office at work. So, after convincing myself that, a. it is good to give away your 'first' of any new range (to iron out the bugs) and b. that it would be good advertising, I let him take it. Now I am working on another one to go into the store, with a note to self to .... "hide all future 'sculptures' from husband". I am still trying to decide on the retail price ... stay tuned!